Innovative Research

Wu Tsai sport research

Advance Innovative Sport and Wellness Research

A pillar of the Sport and Wellness Initiative is advancing research that breaks traditional boundaries and brings together faculty from across the university, external industry partners, and other stakeholders is a direct step toward achieving innovation and global leadership in sport and wellness. The university will leverage this work through the research opportunities and understand how to translate them into unique educational opportunities for students.

We approach this work in four ways:

  • Stimulate transdisciplinary research opportunities
  • Set the global agenda for sport and wellness research
  • Align research initiatives with societal interests
  • Foster sponsored research opportunities

Stimulate research opportunities:

Transdisciplinary collaboration—a foundational characteristic of the Sport and Wellness Initiative—will involve strengthening existing university partnerships while actively forging new collaborative relationships. Faculty will have the bandwidth to cultivate new intellectual discourse and cutting-edge research that reaches beyond traditional boundaries to bridge the university’s academic and athletic departments.

Set global research agenda:

Distinguishing the university from others means redefining how this research is conducted, identifying over-researched and under-researched topics, building on existing programs, and becoming the source for top-quality research.

Align research with societal needs:

Aligning the university’s research activities within community efforts and with the goals of local, regional, and state government will allow the University of Oregon to actively engage with and shape meaningful public health policy throughout the state of the Oregon and the nation.

Foster sponsored research opportunities:

Through sponsored research, funders can raise their marketing and brand profiles, acquire academic support on work products, and play a role in the professional development of student careers. Sponsored research by external organizations provides a crucial funding stream that helps faculty modernize their learning materials and deliver more pragmatic teaching approaches, and helps students build relationships with outside organizations and gain real-world experience by solving issues with specific relevance to industry.

Provost Patrick Phillips said this about UO Sport and Wellness, "This initiative is designed to integrate and increase the impact of a wide range of academic fields in sport and wellness; provide world-class experiences and educational opportunities to attract students; and align the university with research and expertise on healthy living and environmental quality, while helping the residents of the state live longer, healthier lives."